What is a 990 Form?: A Nonprofit’s Guide

  • Post last modified:5. February 2025.
  • Post category:Bookkeeping

what is a 990 form

Any person who willfully fails to comply with the public inspection requirements for annual returns or exemption applications will be subject to an additional penalty of $5,000 (section 6685). A regional or district office isn’t required, however, to make its annual information return available for inspection or to provide copies until 30 days after the date the return is required to be filed (including any extension of time that is granted for filing the return) or is actually filed, whichever is later. An annual information return doesn’t include any return after the expiration of 3 years from the date the return is required to be filed (including any extension of time that has been granted for filing the return) or is actually filed, whichever is later. A section 501(c)(7) organization can receive up to 35% of its gross receipts, including investment income, from sources outside its membership and remain tax exempt. Part of the 35% (up to 15% of gross receipts) can be from public use of a social club’s facilities. Section 501(c)(7) organizations (social clubs) and section 501(c)(15) organizations (insurance companies) apply the same gross receipts test as other organizations to determine whether they must file Form 990 or 990-EZ.

How to reinstate the tax-exempt status after revocation?

A quid pro quo contribution is a payment that is made both as a contribution and as a payment for goods or services provided by the donee organization. In Example 1, if F received only the basic membership package for its $300 payment, E’s acknowledgment need state only that no goods or services were provided. Generally, under section 170, the deductible amount of a contribution is determined by taking into account the FMV, not the cost to the charity, of any benefits that the donor received in return. However, the cost to the charity may be used in determining whether the benefits are insubstantial. Most states require that all amounts be reported based on the accrual method of accounting.

what is a 990 form

Essential Guide to Nonprofit Tax Preparation and Filing Requirements

See Appendix C. Special Gross Receipts Tests for Determining Exempt Status of Section 501(c)(7) and 501(c)(15) Organizations for more information. Hospital organizations use Schedule H (Form 990) to provide information on the activities and policies of, and community benefit provided by, its hospital facilities and other non-hospital health care facilities that it operated during the tax year. This includes facilities operated either directly or indirectly through disregarded entities or joint ventures. The shortest version of Form 990, the Form 990-N, can only be filed by organizations with gross receipts of $50,000 or less. Form 990-N is referred to as an “e-postcard” since it can only be filed online and requires minimal information. Any organization that fails to file the appropriate Form 990 for three consecutive years risks having its tax-exempt status revoked by the IRS.

what is a 990 form

A. Who Must File

If the organization is unable to obtain this information by the extended due date after making reasonable efforts, and isn’t certain of the answer to a particular question, it may make a reasonable estimate, where applicable, and explain on Schedule O. Enter total insurance expenses other than insurance attributable to rental property (reported on Part VIII, line 6b). Don’t report on this line payments made by organizations exempt under section 501(c)(8), (9), or (17) to obtain insurance benefits for members. Don’t report on this line the cost of employment-related benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, or disability insurance provided by the organization to or for its officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and other employees. Report the costs for officers, directors, trustees, and key employees on Part IX, line 5; report the costs for other disqualified persons on Part IX, line 6; and report the costs for other employees on Part IX, line 9.

  • Accurate documentation of donations and financial activities allows donors to claim tax deductions and justifies the organization’s tax-exempt status.
  • If this is the organization’s final return, enter zeros on lines 16, 26, 32, and 33 in column (B).
  • The package gives members the right to buy tickets in advance, free parking, and a gift shop discount of 10%.
  • In general, a section 501(c)(21) trust will complete Form 990 in the same manner as any other organization required to file Form 990, including (without limitation) schedules or forms identified upon completion of Part IV, Checklist of Required Schedules; or Part V, Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance.

If the organization didn’t file a Form 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC because the amounts paid were below the threshold reporting requirement, then include and report the amount actually paid. If an employee is a key employee of the organization for only a portion of the year, that person’s entire compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the organization’s tax year, from both the filing organization and related organizations, should be reported in Part VII, Section A. An individual that isn’t an employee of the organization (or of a disregarded entity of the organization) is nonetheless treated as a key employee if she or he serves as an officer or director of a disregarded entity of the organization and otherwise meets the standards of a key employee set forth above. See Disregarded Entities, later, for treatment of certain employees of a disregarded entity as key employees of the organization. Report compensation on Form 990, Part VII, for the calendar year ending within the organization’s fiscal year, including that of current officers, directors, and trustees, even if the fiscal year is used to determine which such persons must be bookkeeping and payroll services listed in Part VII.

Understand What a 990 Form Is For Smooth Nonprofit Operations and Greater Transparency

Answer “Yes” if the organization, directly or indirectly through a disregarded entity or joint venture treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes, operated one or more hospital facilities at any time during the tax year. Except in the case of a group return, don’t include hospital facilities operated by another organization that is treated as a separate taxable or tax-exempt corporation for federal income tax purposes. For group returns, answer “Yes” if any subordinate included in the group return operated such a hospital facility. The detailed description required for the three largest program services need not be provided for these other program services. The organization may report the non-contribution portion of membership dues on line 4d or allocate that portion among lines 4a–4c.

  • Management duties also don’t include investment management unless the filing organization conducts investment management services for others.
  • Don’t include cash balances held in an investment account with a financial institution and reported on lines 11 through 13.
  • Use of a paid preparer doesn’t relieve the organization of its responsibility to file a complete and accurate return.
  • How the public perceives an organization in those cases may be determined by the information presented on its returns.
  • Goods or services may be similar or comparable even though they don’t have the unique qualities of the goods or services that are being valued.

Request Form 990 Filing Assistance From a Raleigh CPA

Other compensation generally includes compensation not currently reportable in box 1 or 5 of Form W-2, in box 1 of Form 1099-NEC, or in box 6 of Form 1099-MISC, including nontaxable benefits other than disregarded benefits, as discussed under Disregarded benefits, later, and in the instructions for Schedule J (Form 990), Part II. Treat amounts paid or accrued under a deferred compensation plan, or held by a deferred compensation trust, that is established, sponsored, or maintained by the organization (or a related organization) as paid, accrued, or held directly by the organization (or the related organization). Deferred compensation to be reported in column (F) includes compensation that is earned or accrued in one year and deferred to a future year, whether or not funded, vested, qualified or nonqualified, or subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture.

A supporting organization that is operated in connection with one or more supported organizations is a Type III supporting organization. A Type III supporting organization is further considered either functionally integrated with its supported organization(s) or not functionally integrated with its supported organization(s) (Type III other). Finally, a supporting organization can’t be controlled directly or indirectly by one or more disqualified persons (as defined in section 4946), other than foundation managers and other than one or more public charities described in section 509(a)(1) or (2).

what is a 990 form

Understanding IRS Form 990: An Essential Guide for Non-Profit Organizations

For nonprofit organizations, filing a Form 990 can be overwhelming and confusing, especially if it’s your first time. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about filing a Form 990, including six steps to take before, during, and after transmitting your form to the IRS. Your Form 990 is a required document for the federal government, but organizations with an open mind about the process often find that reviewing their finances to file their Form 990 is a Accounting For Architects form of accountability. Reviewing your organization’s financial information on a regular basis gives you the opportunity to check in on financial goals and ensure you’re on the right track.

If the organization records depreciation, depletion, amortization, or similar expenses, enter the total on line 22. Include any depreciation or amortization of leasehold improvements and intangible assets. An organization isn’t required to use the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) to compute depreciation reported on Form 990. For an explanation of acceptable methods for computing depreciation, see Pub.

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